The proud recepients of the prestigious Burnes Medal |
Bro. Bomi Mehta The Rt. Wor. District Grand Master of The District Grand Lodge of India (Scottish Constitution) being garlanded by Bro. Mehernosh Khajotia Rt. Wor. Master of Lodge Rising Star of Western India |
Bro. Bomi Mehta The Rt. Wor. District Grand Master of The District Grand Lodge of India (Scottish Constitution) addressing the Brethren |
Bro. Godrej Dandiwala Immediate Past Master addressing the Brethren |
RWM Bro. Hoshang Dastur, IPM Bro. Furokh Santoke with Bro. Brian Hopkins, a visitor from Lodge Gourock #626, at Firth of Clyde, Scotland. |